Maury Povich Wiki

Screen Shot 2012-07-19 at 9.32.50 AM
Name Canduce
Gender Female
Age 36
Partner Unknown
Family Daniel (son)
Reason for Visit Wanting son Daniel to break up with Christina, his 32-year-old girlfriend.
Aftermath Christina was pregnant.

Canduce was a woman who came onto the Maury Show because she wanted her sixteen-year-old son Daniel to end his relationship with his thirty-two-year-old girlfriend Christina, who claimed she was pregnant with his baby. Canduce said he originally dated Christina's daughter but dropped out of eighth grade to date Christina. Canduce did not believe Christina was pregnant and claimed if she was, that Daniel was not the father. The audience screamed in disgust as Christina and Daniel described their relationship and sex life. Daniel admitted they broke the bed in a motel where they had sex. Christina said "We are going to get married. We are going to have a happy family, regardless of what his (bleep) mother has to say." When asked by Maury, she said she was "positive" that she was pregnant. She took a home pregnancy test which was negative, but a doctor believed she was pregnant due to a medical condition she has that does not allow accurate home pregnancy tests.

In a second appearance, Christina went to a hospital and discovered she suffered a miscarriage. Daniel admitted he and Christina would “probably” try to get pregnant again. Canduce was secluded backstage but when she learned of Christina’s miscarriage, she demanded that Daniel come home with her.

Canduce and Daniel returned for a third appearance and she announced that Daniel was no longer with Christina, but he revealed that he was still with Christina. She came out from backstage wearing a wedding gown and said she was wearing a promise ring.

In a fourth appearance, Daniel said he found out Christina was cheating on him throughout their relationship. In a video message, Christina said she got married to someone else and was pregnant. She apologized to Daniel. When Maury asked Daniel if he wanted to say something to Christina, he said “Hi, bitch.”

